Privacy & Legal
All curriculum resources and tutorials we author will forever be free to use and openly licensed under a Creative Commons license, allowing others to make derivative education resources for non-commercial purposes. We believe that every child deserves a high-quality education and that expensive curriculum should not prevent students from the opportunity to learn computer science.
If you are interested in licensing our materials for commercial purposes, contact us. Our courses are translated for worldwide use or by speakers of different languages. Our technology is developed as an open source project.
Code.org® is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science and increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups. Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science, just like biology, chemistry, or algebra.
If you appreciate our policy around free and open curriculum, please thank our generous donors, especially Microsoft, Facebook, Infosys Foundation, Omidyar Network, and Google, without whose financial support this open policy would not be possible.
Hadi Partovi
Founder, Code.org