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For the very best experience with all Code.org content, we recommend consulting with your school or district's IT department to ensure the following sites are allowed and aren't blocked.
Priority | URL |
Required |
https://code.org https://*.code.org
Optional |
https://www.google-analytics.com https://www.googleoptimize.com
To use YouTube hosted videos (Enhanced Privacy Mode) |
https://youtube-nocookie.com/* https://*.googlevideo.com/* https://*.ytimg.com/*
To use Code.org hosted videos | https://videos.code.org |
To use Internet Simulator |
https://api.pusherapp.com wss://ws.pusherapp.com:443
To use Web Lab |
https://downloads.computinginthecore.org https://codeprojects.org
To use Google Classroom Share Button | https://apis.google.com |
To use App Lab datasets |
https://*.firebaseio.com wss://*.firebaseio.com
All CS Discoveries, CS Principles, CS A, and Intro to App Lab courses are not compatible with tablets or mobile devices - a full keyboard and mouse (or touchpad) are required. Most tablets are not supported, with the following exceptions:
All other content, such as K-5 courses (Computer Science Fundamentals) and Hour of Code activities are compatible on iPads and other modern tablets and laptop or desktop computers.
Our Hour of Code activities and CS Fundamentals courses can be completed on mobile phones. While these activities are usable, they are not optimized for a mobile phone experience and have some known limitations (e.g. touch targets may be small, accessory elements may display offscreen, and text may be difficult to input using the on-screen keyboard). The CS Discoveries, CS Principles, and Intro to App Lab courses are not usable on mobile phones.
We use YouTube to embed videos into Code.org and our online learning platform. For schools with YouTube blocked, we attempt to display a Code.org hosted video player instead.
Before you start Code.org's online courses, test playback for the video below to make sure you're good to go.
This is the player used throughout the curriculum. It will try to show the video through YouTube and, if YouTube is blocked, show the Code.org hosted video using our "fallback" player instead.
If video does not work, you can email us at support@code.org.
However, you can still use our tutorials without video.
If you're a G-suite administrator, be sure to check what your restriction settings are for YouTube. If you have specified the "Strict Restricted YouTube Access" setting or if you see messages stating 'this video has been restricted', you can add our channel to the approved list of channels. See this guide from Google to learn about how to add our channel to the approved list. You can also see this guide to learn more about different settings and which is best for your classroom.
We'll help you out - just email us at support@code.org!