Translating Sports Tutorials

This page outlines how to translate the Make a basketball game and Mix and match across sports tutorials. Translations for the tutorial progression are done on Crowdin and translations for the video captions are done on Amara. They are both free to join and any volunteer can immediately start translating on either platform.

Getting set up

  1. Click here to create an Amara account.
  2. Click here to join our project on Crowdin.

Translating the tutorial progression

When you click on the following links you will first be asked to select your language.

Make a basketball game

  1. Tutorial title
  2. tutorial description here and here
  3. Tutorial instructions
  4. Tutorial blocks
  5. Workspace strings

Mix and match across sports

  1. Tutorial title
  2. tutorial description here and here
  3. Tutorial instructions
  4. Tutorial blocks
  5. Workspace strings

Both tutorials

  1. Landing page (
  2. Video titles and strings found on

Translating the video captions

  1. To use Amara, first click on a video link below.
  2. On the left, you'll see a list of languages. If you don't see your language listed, click "Add a new language". A language with a yellow dot means it's been started but incomplete; please go ahead and complete the translation. A language with a green dot means it's been completed and published.
  3. When you begin you'll see the English track on the left and you can enter your translations on the right. Feel free to edit the timing if necessary. When complete, click the Publish button in the top right corner.
  4. The links for the videos are below (you can find all the videos on the landing page):